Gebäudeblock SWM

Efficient digital documentation

Customer benefits

One digital interface instead of 150 forms: With a mobile solution from ICT service provider Axians, fitters at Städtische Werke Magdeburg take care of their documentation paperlessly. The Field Service Management solution NEO Mobile brings even more benefits.


Municipal Works Magdeburg




Alexander Wassiltschenko
BU manager Axians NEO Solutions & Technology GmbH
+49 511 123549-53
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Efficient digital documentation

Municipal utilities must keep their facilities and networks operating safely, efficiently and cost-effectively to ensure the supply of electricity to the population. Digitization offers the opportunity to optimize organizational processes to create more transparency and use data more intelligently.

Städtische Werke Magdeburg (SWM) began the transformation back in 2009. The company supplies 240,000 residents in Saxony-Anhalt’s capital and the surrounding area with electricity, natural gas, heat and drinking water. It also handles wastewater disposal. In the first step, SWM put processes, structures and workflows to the test – in fact, all those involved in the maintenance and servicing of technical equipment. After the changes were implemented, the next step followed. “As another way to increase efficiency, the technical management wanted to introduce a mobile maintenance solution,” says Ulrich Heinemann, head of technical applications in the organization and data processing division at the supply and disposal company.

The goal: Optimize all maintenance processes

SWM’s plant and network service employees maintain and inspect the networks and plants on a daily basis, set up house connections or check the functionality of fittings (hydrants, for example). For this purpose, they receive a work order in which they document the activities performed. Faults are documented by fault messages and supply interruption messages. Before the introduction of the mobile solution, they used many different paper documents for this purpose.

The maintenance process flow should now be optimized. The goal was to order, document, and bill all maintenance, troubleshooting, and third-party services via a mobile solution.

This should also ensure the obligation to provide evidence in the event of damage: With the help of digital documentation, it can be proven in detail and unambiguously when which employee did which work.

Because SWM uses the SAP PM module to handle its maintenance processes, the new technology had to integrate seamlessly into the system environment. At the same time, it had to be possible to use the software to process service orders for third parties.

The solution: The mobile maintenance software NEO Mobile

To find the right software, SWM solicited various offers. The decision was made in favor of the NEO Mobile solution, which is now part of Axians NEO Solutions & Technology GmbH belongs. Two reasons: Axians is an experienced partner of municipalities and supports them in digitalization, modernization and “mobilization”. In addition, a municipal utility of comparable size was already using the tool successfully.

Axians NEO Suite is a holistic workforce management solution. It links all those involved in maintenance, such as fitters, plants, operating equipment and also clients and customers. The end-to-end software integrates deeply with the SAP system.

NEO Mobile acts as a digital assistant for users on site. With the software, technicians on the road have all plant, order and message data in view at all times. Feedback on maintenance or malfunctions is transmitted back to SAP in real time or can be saved offline if there is no Internet connection.

Instead of printing documents and filing paper receipts, they use a mobile device with the software. This saves time and costs, reduces errors and increases documentation reliability. The clear tool is easy to use via the customizable user interface – both on larger Windows-based laptop screens and on a modern tablet. The solution also increases flexibility for fitter deployment.

Screenshot Inspektions-Checkliste für die Schieber Revision in NEO Mobile
Inspektions-Checkliste für die Schieber Revision in NEO Mobile (Quelle: SWM)

The introduction of the new solution - and the challenges

The software was not introduced in Magdeburg from one day to the next. First, Städtische Werke discussed their requirements with Axians’ experts. Then followed a development and testing phase. The project ran for just under 1.5 years from 2011. After 6 months, productive operation started and the rollout across all areas took approximately two years.

First, key users worked with the new solution. Frank Trompke, Product Manager NEO Mobile at Axians NEO Solutions & Technology, explains, “We took an agile approach and worked with the Scrum method.” Many solution approaches and requirements initially remained open and were defined during the process based on initial experience. A team was formed in Magdeburg for this purpose, in which SWM employees and Axians specialists worked closely together.

One challenge during the rollout was that many fitters were initially afraid of contact. Until then, they had gained little experience with digital tools in their day-to-day work. Some feared that the new transparency would make them transparent. All process steps were coordinated with the works council.

In order to allay colleagues’ shyness and fears, Ulrich Heinemann chose a practical approach. He moved his workplace to the building where the fitters are stationed one day a week for the duration of the rollout. Anyone who had questions or was unsure could contact them directly. “That was a major factor in the success of the transition,” Heinemann says.

How NEO Mobile is used at SWM

A lot has happened since the software was introduced – on both sides. Städtische Werke implemented SAP S/4 HANA. Axians supported this system move with a completely new program version of NEO Mobile. Improvements and new processes were added. Heinemann particularly praises the tool’s high performance and usability. This is one of the reasons why acceptance among employees is now “much, much greater.

Today, almost 170 employees in Magdeburg work with NEO Mobile on a daily basis. While they mainly used it on laptops in the beginning, some are gradually switching to tablets. You record times, checklists, technical master data or measurement documents via the mobile device.

Others continue to use NEO Mobile on powerful laptops. At the same time, complex special software is installed on the computers, which they use to make settings on equipment in the various divisions, for example.

What benefits the switch to NEO Mobile has brought

The mobile maintenance program NEO Mobile brings SWM many advantages:

  • Around 150 different paper documents were digitized in a uniform interface. The fact that there were so many documents has historical reasons: Before SWM was founded in 1993, there were independent utilities for gas, water, energy and heat, as well as a wastewater company. All of them had their own forms and procedures. Only with the introduction of the software were they standardized and are now available digitally.
  • Documents no longer need to be printed, taken home, returned and filed because they are digital.
  • Additional documentation functions are possible. Not only can orders be generated, controlled on the mobile device, reported back and billed. Technicians can also use it to edit and create messages, record measurement data and measured values, and edit checklists and master data.
  • All tasks can be planned and recorded in detail. Previously, individual orders were posted to a standing order that was entered at a point in time. Now every activity at a concrete technical object – for example a hydrant – is mapped and can be billed.

With the introduction of NEO Mobile, Städtische Werke Magdeburg has thus significantly advanced digitalization: All processes related to maintenance and repair run more smoothly and efficiently.

About Magdeburg Municipal Works

Städtische Werke Magdeburg is an important supply and service partner in the Saxony-Anhalt region. With a long tradition, they have been providing reliable energy supplies, modern telecommunications services and environmentally conscious waste disposal solutions for decades. Städtische Werke Magdeburg focuses on innovations to promote sustainable energy generation and use. Through their commitment, they play a positive role in shaping regional development.

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